• Guild Directory

    Find a weaving, spinning, or knitting guild near you or online using our directory.

    If your guild is not on the list please contact us at info@houseofwool.ca.

  • Online Tools

    We are actively creating a growing selection of online tools to serve as a reference for all your projects.

    As a starting point, take a look at our Swatch Library and Reed Substitution Guide.

Yarn Talk

Hosted by Harper Bee, Yarn Talk is all about the specifics of yarn. This series covers will cover the basics of gauge, detail how different yarns knit up, how they're made, and provide you with all the tools you need to select the most ideal yarn for your next project.

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The Wool Chronicles

Delve into the world of breed-specific wool and wool blends, detailing how we categorize them, best practices for spinning them to get the results you're looking for, and all about fibres that play well with wool.

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Weaving Your Way to Success

Learn alongside Emily as she shares her journey exploring new-to-her weaving methods, sharing the insight she's gained along the way.

We'll cover resources and techniques to help provide you with the tools you need to find your weaving community and create the fabrics of your dreams.

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